Yet another amazing game by Juicy Beast!
Yet another amazing game by Juicy Beast!
This is awesome! I can't wait for the full version to be released, keep up the great work! =)
Awesome work Tim =)
@Cjjgamer what you wrote must be the most ignorant review I've seen so far.
This game is magnificent, I can only imagine the amount of work that went into this.
All the different kind of reactions based on different kinds of collisions, it's great! The gameplay is challenging yet fun, and the art and animations are very smooth.
I also like the dialog and sense of humor, including the intentional "engrish" sentences har har. Good job guys!
Uh... took the "Flash Point and Click Engine", and it's graphics, and moved stuff around.
It's ok to use an engine but usually that means you have to put extra effort to make it more unique. You didn't bother to create your own graphics and environment, all I see that's new is the enemies and the health bar, which honestly doesn't take that much effort to code.
Nice try, but try harder.
I made the game engine after I made Inculcation. They are both my own creation, I just thought other people might want to make similar games. Thanks or the review.
This game...
Great work
Very well built. Very entertaining and simple yet addictive!
Awesome. Well done and consistent. Looky what I did:
111.4,100,34,28,20,1,381.85,170.05,39 2.9,221.6,394.95,242
The game was in fact pretty fun, but it needs A LOT of polishing, fix up your hittesting and manage your code a little, make it neater, and the graphics too.
But besides that, it was a good idea and it has potential, good job.
Awesome but
Wasn't this supposed to be guys in white suits or something, I can't remember, I saw the preview on the armorblog a while ago. =P
But still, well done and fun.
Awesome web & game developer, designer, and perfectionist.
Web & Game developer
Montreal, Canada
Joined on 2/1/07